Mission Statement: Florida Swimming serves the competitive swimming community by providing
an environment where our members can achieve their greatest dreams, in and out of the pool.

Core Values: Safety, Integrity, Inclusion, Excellence, Supportive, Leadership

Vision: Dream, Believe, and Achieve

LSC Contacts:

Florida Swimming Office
Address: 214 E. Washington St., Suite B 
Minneola, FL 34715
Ph:  352-242-5145
Fax:  352-242-5245

Executive Director:  Vanessa Brewer E-mail
Adminstrative Assistant: Ellen Earley E-mail
Webmaster: Don Henshaw E-mail

 Archived Officials' News

Updated 8/27/24

This page contains the Officials' News items from 2010 through 2018 for your reference.

Click Here to go back to the Latest Officials' News page.

2018 News

1/30 - Online Clinics to be Offered

Cary Showalter will be hosting several online clinics during February and early March.  These will be a trial run for this system so we want to roll it out to the entire LSC, not just Cary's area.  The clinics will be using a Skype platform so, in preparation for the clinic, please make sure you have access to Skype - if you need help with this, Cary can help as well.  The clinic topics, dates and links to sign up are:

  • February 6 - Stroke and Turn Clinic - Click here to Register
  • February 14 - Starter - Click here to Register 
  • February 21 - Admin Official (A/O) - Click here to Register

**Please note that the Admin Clinic (A/O) does run a bit long so please plan for ninety (90) minutes.

  • March 7 - Deck Referee - Click here to Register


Once you sign up Cary will email you with forms for completion prior to the clinic.  This clinic will have a presentation and a clinic packet, which you get access to once you are in the clinic itself.  Lastly, to keep everyone honest, Cary will post three (3) random codes during the clinic, which you must write down, then add to the survey at the end to get credit for the clinic.

1/25 - Invitation to Officials for Spring Championship Meets

An email was sent to all FL officials earlier today inviting you to officiate at the up coming SC FLAGs and Sr. Championship meets.  The email included many of the details you will need to help out at the meet including links to the application forms.  These meets have both been approved as OQMs so you can apply for National certifications at both meets.  If you did not get the email or haven't read it yet, you can download it by clicking here.

1/12 -  Officials' Newsletter Available

A new year brings lots of news for our official's community.  A newsletter was emailed to all of the known officials' email addresses yesterday evening.  Please check your email and read over this important communication as it will help us make sure everyone is on the same page as we go into the new year.

If you did not receive the email, please let Roger Deary know and we'll get your email updated and on the list for future communications.  In the meantime, you can download a copy of the newsletter by clicking here.

2017 News

11/13 - Annual Officials' Committee Meeting Summary

The annual Officials’ Committee meeting held in conjunction with the Florida Swimming Annual Meetings was wide-ranging and very productive.  Highlights of the meeting included a report from Adrienne Caldwell on her experiences attending the USA Swimming Officials’ Workshop, discussion of the shortage of officials to adequately staff the increasing number of meets and some ideas on how to increase our numbers, an update on the Chair’s concept of developing a “Meet Referee Best Practices” guide, updates on the progress of revising and updating our current clinic materials, suggestions for our Championship Meet Referee assignments,  USA Swimming rule and procedure updates and the recommendation of a new Chair for the committee as the Current Chair’s two terms were coming to an end.

The committee passed a proposed motion to modify the requirements for officials for meets to require any participating team with more than twenty (20) swimmers entered in a session be required to provide one or more officials for that session.  The motion was forwarded to the Technical Planning committee that passed it through to the Board of Directors.  The Board tabled the motion and referred it back to the Officials’ Committee for further consideration.

Concern about the application of the “new” USA Swimming rule relating to the beginning of the freestyle stroke in the Medley (often referred to as the “Lochte Rule”) was expressed.  It was felt further information on the rule would be forthcoming from USA-S and that we should enforce the rule as it currently stands without getting overly concerned with the technical interpretation of the rule until USA-S further clarifies their interpretation of the rule.

While USA-S is modifying the “uniform” for national decks, Florida Swimming will continue to utilize our current recommended uniform.  An exception was made to allow for either all white or all black shoes in our LSC to allow for those who have purchased the black shoes now required on the National deck to not have to have two different sets.

After discussion, current Vice Chair Roger Deary was recommended by the Committee as its new Chair.  Subsequently, he was approved by the General Chair and BOD and Cary Showalter was appointed Vice Chair and approved as well.  Both are transitioning into their new duties and should be fully in place by the end of November.

The committee unanimously thanked outgoing Chair Stephen Plapp for his efforts and leadership of the committee over the past four years.  Stephen noted he would continue his involvement both as an official and with the Committee moving forward.

Preliminary minutes of the meeting are now posted - click here to view them.

11/9 - Gator Swim Club Holiday Classic Approved for National Evaluations

This meet has been designated as an Officials Qualifying Meet (OQM) and evaluations for the following positions will be available:

Stroke & Turn (N2; N3)

Chief Judge (N2; N3)

Starter (N2)

Referee (N2)

Administrative Referee (N2)

Applications to Officiate

We would like to try to have an idea of who will be attending and willing to help in advance.  Please  complete and return the Application to Officiate (below) to Robb Burns as soon as you can.  If you are not sure of your plans but then are available at the meet, we will find a place for you on deck.

Also below is the Request for Evaluation.  Please follow the instructions to complete the form and return it, along with the Application to Officiate (both forms), to Robb as above.

Application to Officiate (Corrected - 11/13/17) Request for Evaluation

9/22 - Annual Officials' Committee Meeting Set

The 2017 Annual Officials' Committee Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 7th at 9:00 a.m. in conjunction with the Florida Swimming Annual Meetings.  The meeting will be held at the Rosen Hotel in Orlando.  The tentative agenda has been published - use the FL LSC Meeting page link under the Governance tab above to view or download.  This page also has links to past meeting minutes of all of the LSC meetings.

As always, this is an open meeting and any who wish to attend are welcome.

9/21 - FINA & USA Swimming Enact Individual Medley Rule Change

During the July 21st FINA Swimming Technical Congress in Budapest, Hungary, the Congress adopted a change to medley swimming rules regarding required body position.  For the freestyle distance, the change permits the swimmer to be past vertical towards the back when executing a turn - including after the feet have left the wall.  The rule requires that the swimmer’s body must return to the breast before any kick or stroke.

Effective September 21, 2017, USA Swimming has modified the USA Swimming rules to align with the FINA rules - click here to view the complete USA Swimming Memo that include the updates to the relevant rules.

9/21 - Annual LSC Officials' Award Vote Now in Progress

Each year the officials of FL Swimming select two officials for recognition of their service. The awards acknowledge outstanding contributions to FL Swimming and the athletes of Florida. The officials are professional, helpful, fair and consistent, knowledgeable and patient. They are officials who we look up to because of their willingness to help, their positive attitude and their value to FL Swimming.

 The Fred Cruciger Award recognizes any official who meets the above criteria regardless of their level of certification. The Al Soltis Award is for a Stroke & Turn official who exhibits the criteria. 

Past winners of the awards are:


Cruciger Award Winners

Soltis Award Winners


Bill Marshall

First Year for

This Award is 2004


Jerry Karp


Al Soltis


M.Y. & Virginia Lett


Jack Goltz


Frank Tillotson


Grady Steele


Bill Wait


George Mariani


Bob Griffiths


Eva Gronke


Not Awarded


Roger Deary

Grady Steele


Don George

Harvey Jackson


Duke Torbert

Sue Halfacre


Mark McCaw

Doug Soltis


Kay Caldwell

Lofley Hinson


Robert Thompson

Shawn Stewart


Charlie Kohnken

Karen Stamper


Bob Bentz

Yvonne Griffiths & Charlotte Peterson


Stephen Plapp

Diana Woolbright


Judi Wojcik

Amy Moring


Ellen Johnson

Melvin Barber


Melissa Anne Hellervik-Bing

Pam Breault


Dave Nesper

Doreen Sprague


Jeff Breault

Makoto Sugishita


Please email your votes for these two awards to Stephen Plapp. Absent a clear winner for each award there may need to be a runoff vote.

8/25 - Pending Minutes of the July Officials' Committee Meeting Posted to Web

The unapproved minutes of the July 17 Teleconference Meeting of the Officials' Committee have now ben posted to this web site.  To view and/or download these minute, go to the "FL LSC Meetings" page under the "Governance" tab above and click on the link.  It is anticipated these minutes will be approved at the a Annual Meeting in October.

8/25 - Updated Deck Referee Clinic Packet Now Available

The new and improved Deck Referee Clinic Packet is now available for use in the certification process for this key position.  Many hours of work by Jeff Breault and John Jansen have resulted in a packet that now reflects the current duties and procedures for the Deck Referee.

All future clinics should use this packet that includes materials from USA Swimming and the revised Apprentice Log form.  This latter form can be downloaded separately from the packet as well.  To access these forms, go to the "Officials Forms" page of this website and scroll down the page to locate the Deck Referee Clinic section.

8/25 - Revised National Championship Reimbursement Policy Posted

With the end of the National Championship Summer Season, Many of our officials may now want to apply for reimbursement for their travel to participate in these meets.  The Officials' Committee revised our policies and procedures for this in February to bring it in line with the polices for athletes and coaches. The revised policy and form are now posted to this web site. 

Click on the "Officials" tab above and then select the "Officials' Travel Support" option for further information and to download the form.

8/23 - Area 1 Stroke & Turn Officials' Clinics on Saturday, September 9th

USA Swimming Officials' Clinics will be held on Saturday, September 9th at the Bolles School Pool. 

While the primary clinic will be for new Stroke & Turn Judges, clinics will also be held for the positions of Starter, Deck Referee and Administrative Official as needed.

If you are considering becoming an official, remember:

  • You are SUPPORTING YOUR CHILDREN'S involvement and efforts. 
  • Officiating STARTS AT THE AGE GROUP LEVEL and gives you the opportunity to see the world through swimming!
  • Being an official gives you a BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE RULES to which swimmers must conform.
  • It's BETTER THAN SITTING IN THE HOT STANDS, you'll have a great view of the pool and officials are usually fed very well at meets - for free!
  • FRIENDSHIPS are made and kept for a lifetime throughout the country.

Please click here to RSVP and let us know the position clinic you need.

Please download and print out the Clinic Packet you will need from the Officials' Forms Page of Florida Swimming web site if you plan to attend.

Also if you are interested and this date and/or time do not work, click the link above to email us and we can find a time that will work; we can even come to your team and teach as well.

8/21 - Stroke & Turn Officials' Clinic at KAH2O Meet on Saturday, September 9th

TBAY is offering USA Swimming Official Stoke and Turn Judge Clinic at the KAH2O meet on Saturday, September 9th after the Morning Session at the Countryside Country Club Pool (start time above is tentative as a result - the clinic usually takes 60 to 90 minutes).

 Come sit down and learn what it is to be an Official!

DO it with your swimmers.
DO it for your swimmers.
DO it for and with your club.
IT’S BETTER than sitting in stand/snack bar, OFFICIATING starts at the Age Group Swim level and has the opportunity to see the world through swimming!
BEING an official gives you a better understanding of the rules to which swimmers must conform.
FRIENDSHIPS are made and kept for a lifetime throughout the country.

Please click here to RSVP.

Please download and print out the Stroke & Turn Clinic Packet  from the Florida Swimming web site if you plan to attend.

Also if you are interested and this date and/or time do not work, click the RSVP link above to email us and we can find a time that will work; we can even come to your team and teach as well.

7/7 - Officials' Committee Meeting Postponed

Due to several conflicting responsibilities for the parties involved, the Officials' Committee meeting originally scheduled for Saturday, July 8, in Orlando has been postponed and changed to a telephonic meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 18th at 8:00 p.m

Further details will be forthcoming over the next few days.

6/8 - Officials' Committee Meeting Set

The Officials' Committee will meet on Saturday Afternoon between Prelims and Finals at the upcoming Summer Southern Zone South Championship Meet on Saturday, July 8, 2017 at the YMCA of Central Florida - Orlando Aquatic Center.

An agenda will be posted and emailed to all committee members shortly.

5/19 - Colorado Timing Systems' "Test Your Equipment" Article Posted on the CTS Web Site for All Administrative Officials and Meet Referees

Colorado Timing Systems (CTS) has posted this article to their web site. The article is a "MUST READ" for any Administrative Official or Meet Referee that is charged with running a meet with the CTS system. The article covers how to check all of the components in a timing system without having to put any of the system in the water.  Each component can be tested out of the pool using CTS's touch pad meter and this article tells you how to use the meter and what you need to see from the meter to know your components, including the harness, touch pads, buttons and start system, are all functioning correctly.

Click here to go to the article.

4/28 - Stroke & Turn Officials' Clinic Scheduled for Tuesday evening, May 9th

There will be a clinic for anyone interested in becoming a Stroke & Turn official on Tuesday, May 9th from 5:00 p.m. to approximately 6:00 p.m. at the Countryside Country Club pool in Clearwater.  

DO it with and for your swimmers.

DO  it with and for your club.

IT’S BETTER  than sitting in the stands/snack bar!

Come, sit down and learn what it is to be an Official!

Officiating  starts at the Age Group level and gives you the opportunity to see the world through swimming! Among the benefits of being an official is a better understanding of the rules to which swimmers must conform and friendships that are made and kept for a lifetime throughout the Florida and the country.

Please RSVP to Adrienne Cardwell, also if you are interested and the time does not work, let herand they can find a time that will work.

Please download and print out the Stroke & Turn Clinic Packet  from the Florida Swimming web site if you plan to attend.

4/13 - Stroke & Turn Officials' Clinic Scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd

There will be a clinic for anyone interested in becoming a Stroke & Turn official on Saturday, April 22nd at USRP Racers IMX/IMR Meet at the Cypress Aquatic Center, 981 George Engram Blvd., Daytona Beach (take International Speedway Blvd/US 92, to Nova Rd., left on Nova, two blocks to Geo Engram Blvd.)  .

Time is flexible and will be determined based on attendee availability.  Please download and print out the Stroke & Turn Clinic Packet  from the Florida Swimming web site if you plan to attend.

Interested individuals please RSVP to Dave Nesper, Meet Referee, at dnesper68@gmail.com  for more information including final times and room at the pool.

1/30 - 2017 Sr. Championships Request for Evaluation Form Now Online

The 2017 Sr. Championships meet in at the Central Florida YMCA in Orlando on February 23 - 26 has been approved as an Officials' Qualifying Meet for National Certification.  The Meet Referee, Jeff Breault, has set up the application form for any interested official to use. 

Please use the link below to download the form, complete it and send it to Jeff to be put on the list for observation.

Click Here to Download the OQM Form

1/24 - Stroke & Turn Officials' Clinic Scheduled

Jeff Breault, Area 1 Officials' Committee Representative, will be conducting four (4) clinics for parents interested in becoming stroke and turn judges during the upcoming Bolles meet at Cecil Field.  The clinics will take place as follows:

  • Friday, 02/03 @ 5:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, 02/04 @ 10:00 a.m. & 12:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, 02/05 @ 11:00 a.m.

The clinics will take place in the multi purpose room off to the left when you exit the pool area.

Anyone interested in attending a clinic during this meet please contact Jeff at shotputdaddy@gmail.com.

Florida Swimming is at historic lows when it comes to certified officials.  It is important that, whether your team hosts meets or not, every team have parents that participate and contribute towards the success of the meets their children attend.

Jeff is always happy to talk to parents from any team about officiating if you think that would help and he and others are available to conduct clinics at your convenience.  If you know anyone who is interested in becoming an official please have them contact Jeff at the email address above.

1/04 - Stroke & Turn Officials' Clinics Scheduled

Clinics for anyone interested in becoming a Certified USA Swimming Stroke & Turn Judge have been scheduled for Saturday, January 7 and Saturday, January 21.  Details for the January 7th clinic are:

Saturday, January 7, 2017
10:00 a.m. to Noon (approximately)
Gulf Coast Church of Christ
9550 Six Mile Cypress Parkway
Fort Myers, FL 33966

Contact Tim Jacobson at  tim@jcbsn.com if you are attending or for more info.


Details for the January 21st clinic are:

Saturday, January 21, 2017
10:00 a.m. to Noon (approximately)
at the JaxParks Swim Classic hosted by the Episcopal Amberjax
Cecil Field Aquatics Center
Normandy Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL

Contact Jeff Breault at shotputdaddy@gmail.com if you are attending or for more info.

1/04 - Officials' Committee Teleconference Meeting Scheduled

The next meeting for the Florida Swimming Officials' Committee has been scheduled as a telephone conference meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 10th at 8:00 p.m.  An agenda is now available - click here to download - and is also available from the "Documents" link in the "Event" listing.  Anyone interested in attending should click here  to contact the Committee Chair, Stephen Plapp, for the call in details.

2016 News

11/07 - USA Swimming Provides New Starter Training Video

USA Swimming has released their new officials' training video, "The Start: Philosophy and Protocol" for CCIs to use in training new Starters.  While aimed primarily at the new Starter, it should be useful to all officials with Starter and above certification.

Click here to go to the USA Swimming web site page with the download.  Also on that page is the "Officiating Backstroke" training video that many of you may be interested in.

Please feel free to use both these resources in your clinics and for other training purposes.

11/02 - Applications to Officiate at Spring Sectionals Now Available

Per Wayne Shulby, the applications for the spring sectional meets are up on the Southern Zone website.  These are now an on-line and will only require officials to fill in some information and hit submit.  Anyone having a problem with the application should call email Wayne by clicking here.

10/04 - FHSAA Offers District & Region Meet and Administrative Referee Training

Kellie Doucette of the FHSAA sent the following memo to Stephen Plapp and he has asked that it be published to this web site:

From: Kellie Doucette [mailto:kDoucette@fhsaa.org]
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2016 4:27 PM
Subject: FW: Join Us for 2016 Swimming and Diving Officials Training

Good afternoon everyone,

If you are already scheduled to be a Meet Referee or a HyTek Operator at a district or regional Swim Meet please plan on attending one of the webinars listed below.  You only need to attend one session.  Also, if you are not scheduled for a district or regional meet but you would like to be considered for assignment to the State Championship series you will also need to attend one of the sessions below.  Please select one of the two options and click on the registration link.  You will need to hold down the ‘control’ key on your keyboard, that will allow you to click on the link, you can also copy and paste the link into your browser. 

This provides a great opportunity for everyone to come together ‘virtually’ to go over many of the challenges faced during a post-season meet.

Thank you so much for all that you do on behalf of the student-athletes in Florida!


2016 Swimming and Diving Officials Training

Join us for a webinar on Oct 06, 2016 at 7:30 PM EDT.

Register now!


This webinar will review important information for Meet Referees and HyTek Operators.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

View System Requirements


2016 Swimming and Diving Officials Training

Join us for a webinar on Oct 10, 2016 at 7:30 PM EDT.

Register now!


This webinar will review important information for Meet Referees and HyTek Operators.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

View System Requirements


Kellie Doucette

Director of Athletics

Florida High School Athletic Association

352-372-9551, Ext. 450

352-244-5046, Fax


9/15 - FHSAA Offers Swimming & Diving Rules Make-up Test Opportunity 

The FHSAA understands that some officials have had issues finding/getting into the Swimming & Diving test.  As a result, they feel it is only right to try to work with our officials during this time of transition. With that being said, as of yesterday morning, the FHSAA has re-opened the make-up tests for swimming (and Football and volleyball). If you had signed into your C2C account any time after lunch yesterday you may have seen that alert already.

There will, however, be some restrictions in place for this 3rd make-up attempt - only those officials who did not receive a test score and those who failed the exam (74% or lower) will be eligible to see/attempt this test again. We have already pushed your specific rules test to your C2C account.

The test was made available yesterday, 9/14 and will close on next Thursday, 9/22 @ 11:45 p.m. After this date, the FHSAA office will run the final report for those who will be suspended and may also receive a fine.

Please be sure that you are logging in with your correct User Name and Password that is associated with your original registration to access the make-up exam.

If you have any questions, please contact Jeremy Hernandez, FHSAA Assistant Director of Officials, (352) 372-9551 x 300 or email him at jhernandez@fhsaa.org

8/23 - Minutes of Officials' Committee Meetings Now Posted

Minutes of the last two Florida Swimming Officials' Committee Meetings (telephonic) are now posted to the web site.  Use the links below to view/download them:

The next meeting (telephonic) will be on Tuesday night, August 23rd.  Details for participating in the meeting can be obtained from Stephen Plapp, Officials' Chair.

Dial-in Number: (949) 229-4400

Attendee PIN: 9122618#


  • Area Reports
  • Recertification progress, clinics scheduled
  • Awards…Ellen
  • Annual meeting agenda

5/4 - USA Swimming Publishes Guide on New Timing Adjustment Process

USA Swimming has issued a  guide for handling timing adjustments based on the changes enacted at last year’s USA Swimming annual session.  The rule change brings us in alignment with the FINA rules for this process and went into effect May 1 so should be utilized at this week’s meets and forward.  All Meet Referees and Administrative Officials/Referees need to become familiar with the process as soon as possible.

Please click here to download the guide.

4/18 - US Masters Swimming Nationals Needs Officials

imageWe (USA Masters Swimming) are seeking officials to work the 2016 Long Course USMS Nationals in Gresham, Oregon this August. Below is a link to the meet information, including applications to officiate. The application is available in both PDF and MS Word form. We ask that those seeking an assigned position get their applications in to the meet referee, Jacki Allender, by May 11. Any questions can be directed to Jacki. Her email address is on the form.

Brian Albright, USMS Officials Chair

View complete meet details at www.usms.org or 2016 USMS Summer National Championship.

3/29 - USA Swimming Issues Important Update about Online Testing, APT & Webinar

Gina Mensay, Manager, Member Services for USA Swimming has published some important information for existing and potential officials regarding the online testing programs for coaches and officials.


As happens every year, the officials’ online tests will be unavailable from April 15-30, 2016. All of these tests are being updated to allow for the May 1st rule changes and to align with the 2016 Rule book. Tests will be back online on May 1.

If any test-takers have not completed their tests by April 15th, the uncompleted tests will be deleted and they will have to be taken over from the beginning on May 1stCOMPLETED tests will not be deleted.

Note: NCAA tests will not be affected and will still be available from the NCAA testing link on the website.


Windows 10 was (recently) released and the APT course is not currently compatible with the Microsoft Edge browser that comes with it.  There have been a few reports from members about this. Praesidium (the APT provider) is working toward a more permanent solution, but the temporary work-around is to use Google Chrome from a desktop or laptop computer (not a tablet or mobile device) to complete the course.


Safe Sport at Meets: A Conversation about the role of officials

Tune into a conversation with Rebecca Landre, official and LSC Safe Sport Chair for Sierra Nevada Swimming, as she shares her experiences and best practices for implementing Safe Sport at meets.  She will discuss the role of officials and ways to mitigate risks at swim meets.

April 13, 2016 - Noon Eastern - click here for registration and information.

1/22 - March is USA Swimming Volunteer Recognition Month

Today's USA Swimming Newsletter contained a brief article entitled "Volunteer Recognition Month is Coming Soon and We Need Your Help!" by Gina Mensay, USA Swimming Member Services Program Manager (e-mail: gmensay@usaswimming.org). 

During the month of March, USA Swimming will highlight the many dedicated volunteers who make swim events possible through a social and digital campaign called #1VolunTeam. USA Swimming would like to receive photos (or videos) recognizing volunteers that they can share throughout March.

If you have a video or photos you would like to submit, please e-mail them to kraney@usaswimming.org along with your team name and location.  It would be great to see some FL officials recognized for all their hard work.

1/20 - Chairman's Notes on Officials' Issues from the January 12 BOD Meeting

The FL Officials' Chair, Stephen Plapp, wanted to share his observations on the items discussed at the recent telephone meeting of the FL Board of Directors that may impact FL officials in the coming months:

"There was a brief discussion about the Swimmer/Official ratio and the chair solicited commentary from those attending the meeting.  There was little discussion and I reiterated what I believe is the committee’s position that while we would like to maintain the ratio as it is we are open to waivers being granted during the formative period of a team or following a period of change for a team, for intra-squad meets or dual meets.  I believe that there will be a request for formalization of the language of this policy to be presented to and voted on at the HOD in the fall.

"There was discussion about what constitutes a closed meet.  If you want to refresh your memory on this, please see [Section 221.3.4 of the FL Rules & Regulations (linked under the "Governance" tab above)].

"There was also discussion about the language concerning the level of athletes permitted/required/allowed to serve on committees and to vote on committees and at the HOD.  I am sure that there will be further discussions about the specific language and it’s meaning in the LSC’s documents and while that is being worked out we need to be looking for swimmers who will be willing and able to serve on the various boards and committees and encouraging their involvement.  Knowing who the athlete reps are in your areas, involving them in stroke briefings( guest speakers?) and knowing who to direct interested swimmers to if you are asked will help get  the participation that is needed to ensure that the swimmer’s voices are heard in LSC operations.

"I am sure that the minutes of the meeting will post soon but I wanted to write about the points that particularly concern our committee."

Once the minutes are posted, there will be a link here.

1/19 - Updated FL Championship Officials’ Reimbursement Request Form Available

Any FL official that attended and worked at one of the USA Swimming National Championship meets in 2015 is eligible for a limited reimbursement of their expenses.  To receive a reimbursement, the official must complete the FL application form and forward it along with the necessary receipts to the FL office.  The form for 2015 reimbursement is now available - click here to download it.  Reimbursement may only be claimed for one meet.

We apologize for the delay in getting an updated form loaded to the web site.  Due to this delay, the deadline has been extended until February 5, 2016.

1/19 - Update to Judging of Freestyle portions of Medley events

The National Officials Committee held a teleconference meeting recently.  One of the items that was discussed was a recommendation pertaining to the Freestyle portions of Medley events.  According to Stephen Plapp, FL Officials' Committee Chairman:

"The document addresses judging Freestyle in the IM and Medley Relay based on the recent FINA interpretation.  Without over amplification this information should now be included in all stroke briefings and all Stroke and Turn Judge training."

Click here to download a copy of the National Committee's Recommendation.

1/8 - Florida Spring Sr. Championships & FLAGS Receive OQM Approvals

Two of our upcoming spring FL Championship meets have been granted Officials' Qualifying Meet (OQM) status.  Officials seeking N2 or some N3 certifications can apply to work these meets for observations for initial or final N2 certifications for all positions and some initial N3 positions. Further details will be posted on the Meet pages linked to this web site.

The Officials Evaluation Request Form for Senior Champs is now posted on the Event Page -  Click Here to open.

2015 News


December 16 - With the end of the year now upon us, all officials must submit their 2016 registration forms and payments before working on deck in any meets after December 31st.

You can download the form here.

Also, please make sure your Background Check (Level II) and Athlete Protection Training do not expire on the 31st as this will delay your 2016 membership approval.

  • USA Swimming's Athlete Protection and Background Check Information  Link
  • FL Swimming Athlete Protection Training information.  Download.pdf


December 9 - Officials' Chair Steve Plapp has clarified the Administrative Official re-certification process for this year as follows:

This year (2015) is a re-certification year for all Administrative Officials (AO) ONLYMeet Referees do NOT have to take any re-certification exams in 2015. To get all officials on the same re-certification schedule (the even years), the FL Officials Committee decided to require that all Administrative Officials only take the online ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL RE-CERTIFICATION EXAM by the end of this year.  If you were certified as an Administrative Official during 2015, you do not need to take the exam.

Beginning with the 2016 recertification cycle, ALL officials will be required to re-certify and that process will include the online test as well as participating in the re-certification clinics.  From that point, all officials will be on the same even year re-certification schedule.

Information on the 2016 re-certification process include clinic dates and test requirements should be available by May of 2016.

12/24 - Open Water Event Prep - It Doesn't Just Happen Overnight

By Matt Wilson

Our own Matt Wilson had this article posted on the USA Swimming "Official Blog" in the Officials' section of the USA Swimming web site.  Matt is widely recognized as on of the top Open Water officials in the U.S. and, if any of you are interested in this aspect of our sport, this article and Matt are excellent resources for more information - click here to go to the article on USA Swimming's web site.

12/21 - The 2015-2016 National Officials Committee Named

Congratulations to our own Bob Griffiths and Melissa Hellervik-Bing for being re-appointed to the National Officials' Committee.  All of the FL officiating community benefits from their continued efforts at the National level and are grateful for all that they do in our LSC as well.

12/18 - Officials' Committee Meeting Minutes

The minutes of this past Tuesday night's Officials' Committee Meeting/Teleconference are now available - click here to view or download them.

11/24 - The GSC Holiday Classic has been approved as an OQM.

UPDATED 11/24 Details

7/7 - Officials Committee Meeting at Sectionals View

7/1 - FHSAA Officials Registration Information View

6/23 - Invitation to Officiate FLAGS View

5/1 - Officials Meeting details

4/9 -  Official's Application for 2015 U.S. Masters Swimming Summer Nationals - View Application:  .doc   .pdf

4/9 -   Online testing will be down at USA Swimming...details

4/7 - Clinics offered at Sr. Circuit Meet Details

3/26 - USA Swimming Deck Change Policy here
3/10 - Minutes from Officials Committee Meeting in Orlando, 2/28/15 here
2/12 - Please take this short Volunteers Survey for USA Swimming here
2/11 - NFHS Rules-wrting Survey for Officials here.
2/10 - Background Screening Fees Reduced here
2/6 - Background Screening Changes here
1/26 - Officials needed for USMS Spring Nats - Clinic on 4/23-26 more

APT Training Now Valid for Two (2) Years

The Safe Sport Committee voted to make the Athlete Protection Training good for two years instead of one year.  As a result, we have pushed all the 12/31/14 APT expiration dates to 12/31/15. 

Effective on September 1, 2014 the APT expiration date is based on the year that the training was taken. For example, if you complete the training anytime between January 1 and December 31, 2015, the APT expiration date will be December 31, 2017 (if completed in January, you essentially get three years). Anyone completing the APT after September 1, 2014 and until January 1, 2015 will have an APT expiration date of 12/31/16.

Official's Dry-fit Shirts:

Many of you have requested a dry-fit, moisture wicking shirt to be available for purchase. We are pleased to announce these shirts are now on the USA Swimming Officials attire website.

Click here to view the new dry-fit Officials shirts.

Car Rental Deal for All Members

In an effort to maintain a high level of benefits and service to member clubs, USA Swimming is extending its negotiated rental car, van and SUV pricing with National Car Rental and Enterprise Rent-A-Car to all USA Swimming Member Clubs. This discounted rate is valid during USA Swimming sanctioned events, meets, practices or approved social events. Not only does this deal include a very good rental rate, but this negotiated pricing also includes full insurance.

Click here for more details.

2014 News
12/2/14 - Officials Committee Meeting on 12/9 here
11/26/14 - Application to Officiate at the OGP here
8/12/14 - Officials Committee Meeting on 8/24 here.
7/23/14 - FHSAA Officials Registration is open as of July 1st here.
7/3/14 - Application and Evaluation Form for FL Summer Senior Champs App   Eval
6/30/14 - Application to Officiate 2014 Southern Zone Senior Champs here
6/17/14 - Application to Officiate 2014 Masters Nationals here .
4/2/14 - Officials Committee Meeting on 4/8 at 8 PM here.     Minutes
4/2/14 - Officials Online Tests will be unavailable from Apr. 15-30 here.
2/11/14 - Application and Request for Evaluation for 2014 Spring Senior Champs here.
2/4/14 - Policy and Procedures are now posted under the Governance tab here.
1/30/14 -Feb. 6th Committee Meeting agenda, proposal, and call-in instructions have been added to the Event Page.
January 2014 - Breaststroke, and Butterfly Hands Rule Information

2013 News

December 2013 - Meeting Minutes from 12/4/13 Minutes
November 2013 - Quick Guide to Rule Differences between Swimming Organizations  *NEW*  Download
October 2013 - October Officials Committee Meeting  Minutes
September 2013 - September Officials Committee Conference Call  Minutes
September 26, 2013 Officials Conference Call -- Open to Everyone!  Information and Agenda
September 2013 - September Officials' Newsletter and Invitation to Conference Call and FL Officials Cmte. Meeting  Download
September 2013 - Changes to Technical Rules effective September 23, 2013 Download
September 2013 - *NEW* 4-Hour Rule Interpretation  Download
September 2013 - *NEW* Fina Rules for Swimming and Open Water
September 2013 - *NEW* NCAA Rules for Swimming  Link
September 2013 - *NEW* NCAA Rule Book Link
September 2013 - APT Certifications Extended to Dec. 31, 2013 Info
May 29, 2013 - Newly approved Arena Suits

April 2013 - NFHS Rule Changes Link

2012 News

Fall 2012 - Officials Committee Meeting Minutes  Download
Apr. 2012 - 4 Hour Rule Clarification. Download.pdf
Feb. 2012 - Breaststroke Underwater Pull Rule Clarification.  Download.pdf 
The most recent Florida Swimming Officials Newsletters can be found here - September 2013

2011 News

10/6/2011 - Link to Athlete Protection Training - Go here
10/6/2011 - 2011 Officials Committee Meeting Minutes - Read here
08/12/2011 - New USA Swimming APT requirement for all Non-Athletes - Read here
Apr. 2011 - Interpretation/Clarification of Breaststroke Pull -Out.  Download.pdf

2010 News

2010 - Officials Survey Results.  Download.pdf

12/9/2010 - Background Check Information - Download .pdf

11/03/2010 - Information on Personal Athlete Assistants - Download .pdf

Oct. 2010 - Officials Committee Policies & Procedures.  Download.pdf

01/10/2010 - USA Swimming Background Check  for Non-Athletes FAQ's - Download .pdf

01/07/2010 - USA Swimming Background Check Summary for Non-Athletes - Download .pdf

Click Here to go back to the Latest Officials' News page.